Enrollment Status
- Open Seats: 5
- Enrolled: 11
- Capacity: 16
- Waitlist: 0
- Waitlist Max: 4
Preference to freshmen. Why people want to know where they are: answers include cross-Pacific trips of Polynesians, missile guidance, and distraught callers. How people determine where they are: navigation technology from dead-reckoning, sextants, and satellite navigation (GPS). Hands-on experience. How GPS works; when it does not work; possibilities for improving performance.
Introductory Seminar. Preference to sophomore and new transfer students; first-year students admitted if space available. Advance sign-up process and deadlines at https://exploreintrosems.stanford.edu/
Important: prerequisite and other requisite information may also be located in the course description.
Find textbook and materials for this class at the Stanford Bookstore. Please note textbooks and materials for past terms and for some future terms may not be available.